What is your Distinctive Competence?

During my 6+ years at Scorpion, we grew revenue from $20 to 150M, way faster than our closest competitors.

Sure, we worked extremely hard, learned a lot, and made mistakes along the way.

But we had an innate strength our competitors didn't.

→ Customer intimacy

We built real, human-to-human relationships with our clients.

We got to know about their families, celebrated their life wins, and grieved their losses.

In short, we cared.

This intimacy perfectly filled an unspoken need our SMB clients craved yet couldn't find anywhere else.

And it just wasn't something our competitors could achieve at scale.

But for us, customer intimacy was authentic and came naturally.

About a year ago, I learned this is our "Distinctive Competence."

It's your business' unique strength that separates you, even in a crowded market.

And customer intimacy is just one of five a business can have.

Here they are: 

→ Customer intimacy (Scorpion)

→ Product leadership (Google)

→ Operational excellence (FedEx)

→ Innovation (Tesla)

→ Culture (Hubspot)

Question to ponder

👉 What's your business' Distinctive Competence?

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