Transform cold outreach into a warm with one step

Why does outbound fail so often?

Because for many, going outbound means peppering your target leads with a persistent sequence of cold emails, cold calls, and cold LinkedIn InMails.

Whether your target audience is attorneys, B2B manufacturing companies, or schools, they're receiving 5-10 cold outreaches (calls, emails, etc.) per day from firms just like yours. 

To your target leads, they are a nuisance and are often simply ignored.


Because these outreaches are cold. 🥶

There isn't an existing relationship between you and the target lead. 💔

There's no familiarity, no history, and no trust to build off of at all. 😱

But what if you could transform your cold outreach into a warm outreach?

This is where gifts come in.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I've sent literally millions of dollars of cookies to qualified target leads as a first touch.

It works.

At my last company, we grew the business from $20M to $40M (and later to $150M) just by adding gift-based outbound to our sales and marketing programs.

But you can't just send any old trinket in the mail and expect to transform your outbound program.

A gift that warms up your target lead needs to meet three criteria:

  • It must be unique
  • It must be striking
  • It must leave an impression

Don’t just send them a cheap pen with your logo on it. 

Instead, send them something that will likely interrupt their day in a positive way and communicates you understand them and their vertical market.

Have a great weekend!


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