The compound effect

I just got off a call with a consulting client who recently specialized in restoration.  A few months ago, they had 3 restoration clients, now they have 17.

The last one closed in only four days.

In his words, it is "the fastest close time we've ever had from a client."

They're starting to feel the positive effects of specializing that I talk about in Chapter 2 of my book Anyone, Not Everyone:

Specializing in a vertical removes friction from the buying process. 

Again, in my client's words: "I think really it's kind of compounding, right? You know, the sixth one is easier than the fifth one, and so on."

Here's the thing...

Specializing in a vertical market isn't a cure-all.  You still need to do the fundamentals every day. But, as you build your authority in your vertical market, buyer resistance decreases and buyer trust increases much faster.

Questions to ponder:

👉 How can we further reduce friction in our clients' buying process to achieve even faster close times?

👉 What specific actions can we take daily to reinforce our authority and trust within our targeted vertical market?

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