The biggest myth holding back agency growth

The biggest myth holding back agency growth:

"The market's too small if we specialize in one vertical"

Let me debunk this with some data from my time as CMO at Scorpion👇

Reality: We picked attorneys as our vertical.

  • Total addressable market: 64,331 firms
  • Average revenue per client: $150K/year
  • Market potential: $9.6B

But here's what most miss:

You don't need the whole market to build a massive business.

Simple math:

  • Capture just 3% of market
  • That's 1,930 clients
  • At $150K per client
  • Annual revenue = $289M

The secret?

Specialization lets you:

  • Command premium pricing
  • Build deeper expertise
  • Get more referrals
  • Scale efficiently

And the best part?

While generalist agencies fight over scraps with vague value props, specialists become THE obvious choice.

The smallest piece of a focused market > the biggest piece of no market at all.

My advice:

Pick a vertical. Go deep. Ignore the myth.

What vertical are you focused on?

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