The $10K mistake
Most common mistake in outbound?
- It's not the pitch.
- It's not the follow-up.
- It's not even the offer.
It's the list.
I was chatting with a friend who runs an agency, and he shared a painful lesson:
They spent $10K on high-end flashlights as gifts for prospects.
Then they spent two weeks following up with calls and emails.
Result? Half the businesses they targeted couldn't afford their services.
Here's the thing...
List building isn't sexy, but it's the foundation of successful outbound.
Before you send a single gift or make one call, nail your list criteria:
- Do they have the pain we solve?
- Can they afford our services?
Take the time to build a list of prospects who can actually buy from you.
It's not just about finding leads. It's about finding the RIGHT leads.
P.S. Want to learn how to build the perfect list for your gift-based outbound campaign? We cover this and a whole lot more in our live workshop on September 10th. Limited spots are available. Click here for more information.