Stop wasting your testimonials

"A game-changer. Wish we'd found them years ago." 🚫

Generic praise like this is killing your agency's lead gen. Why? It's forgettable, meaningless, and a wasted opportunity.

What to do instead?

Use ⚡️ Pain Point Testimonials.

(testimonials that speak directly to client pain points)

Here's the approach:

1️⃣ Identify top 3-5 pain points your clients come to you with

2️⃣ Inventory existing testimonials by pain point

3️⃣ If key pain points are missing, get those testimonials

4️⃣ Place pain point-specific testimonials wherever you discuss solving client problems

Why ⚡️ Pain Point Testimonials work: It shows you understand and solve real problems.

Remember: Generic praise is forgettable. Pain point testimonials show you get your clients.


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