Prioritizing Your Outbound Lead List

Let's say you're going to start going outbound to businesses in your target vertical market. 

Once you have a list of targeted leads, the next thing to do is prioritize the list.

You want to isolate those businesses on your lead list that are the most likely to:

  • Be experiencing acute pain from the problem your business solves
  • Be able to afford your services

For example, let's say you sell websites to dentists. First, you might want to look up the last time they had a website redesign (on Wayback Machine). Websites usually last for 2-3 years, so dentists whose websites are 3 years old or older are probably worth prioritizing over other leads who just updated their website 2 months ago. 

Also, to ensure you target dentists who can afford your website design services, you'll likely want to de-prioritize those dentists who have only one dentist or staff member. Instead, you can prioritize practices with multiple dentists in multiple locations.

You may think this is a lot of trouble for just a lead list. And you're right; it is a lot of work. 😅

But this pre-launch list preparation work will improve the likelihood of your target prospects being interested, resulting in a higher conversion rate and faster revenue growth. 🌟


Have a great day!


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