My #1 strategy for choosing a vertical to focus on

Most B2B business owners I talk with understand the value of choosing a vertical for their business.

Many of them don't know how to do it.

Here's what I tell them: 👉 Start with your current book of business

  1. Find one, two, or three current customer verticals with great retention and generate good revenue.
  2. Confirm your sales and customer success teams like working with them
  3. Consider whether YOU can get excited about working with them for a long period of time. (Having a personal connection to the vertical is a bonus)

The result is a short list of high-potential verticals worth investigating further.

The next step is testing your short list for fit.

BTW, if you don't have current clients yet that meet criteria 1-3 above, it may be too early to start worrying about verticalizing your business.

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