It Pays To Be an Insider

Have you ever hung out for an extended period in San Francisco?

If so, chances are you aren't using the term "San Fran." Maybe SF or The City, but never, ever San Fran.

In fact, merely calling San Francisco "San Fran" while in the Bay Area would immediately expose you as an outsider.


Because you used a word that nobody who is from the area uses.

But how would you know this unless you're an insider?

Short answer: you wouldn't.

People who live in a city (like San Francisco), or work in a trade (like plumbers), or other groups of affiliated people use words that are unique to the group and signal belonging.

While simultaneously exposing those people who are on the outside.

How does all this relate to building Word of Mouth for your B2B business?

B2B buyers care a lot about whether you can solve their specific problem, not a generic version of their problem. One of the ways you stand out from the sea of competition is to use the language of your buyers...their insider language.

Doing so communicates you understand them. It also communicates that you're familiar with the nuances of the problem they seek to solve.

And B2B buyers care a lot about working with people who truly understand them, with no BS.

Plus, most of your competitors won't be doing this.

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