How to rank your leads list
Let's say you'd like to kick off an outbound sales and marketing campaign targeting a new vertical.
We'll use residential plumbers as our example.
By now, it's likely you already know there are approximately 125,000 plumbing businesses in the US (Source: IBISWorld)
Now you need a list of plumbing businesses to go outbound to.
Finding a list of plumbing businesses is pretty straightforward.
List brokers, freelancers on Fiverr, and many others will gladly sell you a list (no options are great, imho).
Once you get your list, you'll want to rank the plumbing businesses that are most likely to:
- be suffering from the pain your product solves
- benefit from your product
- afford your product
What is the best way to do that?
You guessed it! Talk to your current plumbing customers.
Once you have a profile of an ideal plumbing business customer, prioritize your list so you only go outbound to them (and forget the rest).
But before you'll need an ideal seller to start reaching out.
More on this tomorrow.