How to overcome skepticism
Want to overcome skepticism?
Use Proof Points.
Proof Points are the hard-working data points that support and substantiate your marketing claims.
Which claim below is more credible?
Statement A
“We’re the #1 home services marketing agency.”
Statement B
“We’re the #1 home services marketing agency. 81 of our plumbing clients doubled their revenue in the last 12 months.”
Statement B is vastly more credible. It provides evidence that 81 of their plumbing clients doubled their revenue in the last 12 months. This is a Proof Point. It backs up the claim that it’s the #1 home services marketing agency.
Using proof points instills confidence, establishes credibility, and helps overcome skepticism.
Questions to ponder:
👉 Is our marketing believable by the skeptical marketplace? (there's no argument: buyers are heavily skeptical of agencies)
👉 Do we use credible proof points in our marketing?