How to get more serious sales opportunities
Want more serious sales opportunities?
Get recommended.
Not by anyone, but by the Tastemakers.
"Tastemakers" significantly influence which agencies are popularly accepted and used within a vertical market.
Tastemakers come in two flavors:
Influential Brands: the few businesses in your target vertical that you absolutely need as clients. They give your agency an immediate credibility boost within the vertical.
Mavens: (coined by Malcolm Gladwell) know an unusually high number of people within the vertical. They're are more likely to spread the news about your agency within your vertical market and be believed.
Questions to ponder:
👉 Are we actively pursuing client relationships with the Influential Brands in our vertical market?
👉 Do we know who the Mavens are in our vertical market? Are we actively and genuinely connecting with them?
Have a great day!