How To Create Immediate Trust With Your Sales Pitch
How do you open a sales presentation to build immediate trust?
- Tell them what you do/sell
- Talk about your company
- Show pictures of your building
- Show them the top 3 problems you solve for them
Here's the template:
"{Target Customers} turn to {Your Company} when they are:
- {Problem 1}
- {Problem 2}
- {Problem 3}
Do any of these sound familiar to you?"
Here it is, filled out:
"Plumbers turn to Acme Agency when they are:
- Worried about not getting enough calls or jobs
- Disappointed they aren't showing up in Google Searches
- Angry that their marketing efforts are not working
Do any of these sound familiar to you?"
When they recognize themselves in the problems you solve, they'll lean in and listen to what you'll say next.
Pro-tip: The more accurate and specific you can be in naming the problem, the better.
Questions to ponder:
👉 Do we open our sales presentations with a focus on us (our company, product, etc.) or our prospective clients?
👉 How could we improve this?
Have a great day!