"How soon will we see results?"

Lately, I've been diving into my clients' sales calls and helping coach them up.

(I have over 17 years in agency sales and love everything about it.)

So, I've noticed a pattern in these calls and wanted to share it with you in case it's helpful.

The prospect asks: "How soon will we see results?"

The seller stammers–their words stumble out like a toddler taking their first steps.

The conversation progresses, but I can sense the trust evaporating.

Here's the thing:

"How soon will we see results?" is a challenging yet predictable question...one that every seller on your team should not only expect but have a well-practiced response.

Do this:

Write out 5 challenging questions you often get asked in sales calls.  Then, craft the perfect response.  Practice it.  Drill your team on them.

Be front-footed.


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