Hidden Networks: The $150M lesson

Quick story:

My wife is a psychiatrist who spends hours in an 80K-member "Physician Mom Group" on Facebook.

This is an example of a profound truth about professional networks:

They're not monolithic - they're a collection of micro-communities.

Example from my agency days:

  • Criminal defense attorneys don't hang out with family law attorneys
  • Each specialty has distinct conferences and groups
  • They even need different marketing approaches

At Scorpion, for our legal vertical alone, we built separate teams for:

  • Criminal Defense
  • Personal injury
  • Family law
  • Bankruptcy


We scaled from $20M to $150M in 7 years.

The lesson:

Don't target broad professions.

Target the micro-communities within them.

That's where the real opportunities hide.

What hidden communities exist in your target market?


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