Find your next vertical in your book of business

Want to choose a target vertical market out of your existing book of business?

These two metrics can help:

Annual client revenue by vertical

  • How to do it: Group your clients by vertical and calculate the average revenue.
  • What it shows you: Which verticals bring in the most revenue.

Annual client retention by vertical

  • How to do it: Group your clients by vertical and calculate how many clients stay with you over a year.
  • What it shows you: Which verticals have the highest retention.

The results can help you choose the best-fit vertical for your agency.

You can also analyze:

  • Net income per vertical
  • Number of referrals or inbounds by vertical
  • Contract length by vertical
  • Length of sales cycle by vertical

Note: Results from this exercise are more reliable when you have over 50 clients or more across multiple verticals.

Have a great day!


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