Crafting an offer to your vertical buyer
Before you launch a new vertical, I recommend taking the time to create an offer that your vertical buyer finds irresistible.
An offer is the value you give to your prospect for taking the next step in the buying process with you.
Before the Internet, a typical offer in B2B was "call us, and we'll tell you how our product solves your problems."
Yes, it's a lazy offer, but it worked.
But it stopped working once the Internet came along.
Now, B2B buyers can learn almost everything about your product online through your website, social media websites, review sites, online forums, and so much more.
So when crafting an offer for your vertical buyer, challenge yourself to come up with something they'll want or benefit from.
👉 Questions to ponder:
- What value are we offering prospects to move them down the buying funnel?
- Is this offer something they value?