Compound the Impact of Your Positioning

Building off yesterday's email, there are two ways you can specialize your firm:

1/ Who you serve

2/ What you do

Combining these two can compound the impact of your positioning.

Here's an example to help illustrate.

Let's say you place two lines like below.

Each line represents a range from General on the one end to Extremely Specific on the other.

One line represents WHO you focus on.

The other line represents WHAT you do for them.

In the bottom left part of the chart, you are general in both who you target and what you do.

In this example, you do "Online marketing for businesses."

In the upper right part of the chart, you are extremely specific in who you target and what you do.

Here, you do "Technical SEO for Cosmetic Surgeons."

As you move from lower left to upper right, the less 'soggy' and the more laser-focused your positioning is.

The more laser-focused your positioning is, the more you'll stand out, get noticed and attract the right leads for your business.

Shout out to Jonathan Stark, who first shared this concept in a recent podcast episode on The Business of Authority.

Question to ponder:

👉 Where are we on this chart today?

Have a great day!


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