Are your marketing assumptions costing you deals?
🔥 Hot Take: Nearly every agency operates on assumptions about their clients rather than real data.
After working with tons of agencies on vertical specialization, I've noticed a pattern: They create messaging based on what they THINK their buyers care about, rather than what they actually care about.
The reality? Your best clients will tell you exactly what you need to know:
- How they managed before they found you
- What finally made them take action
- Why they trusted you
- What made them comfortable choosing you
One agency I work with just focused on substance abuse treatment centers. Instead of guessing what these centers wanted, they interviewed their best clients.
The result? Their messaging shifted from generic agency speak to language that made prospects say "they get me."
Even better - they now have confidence their marketing investments will land, because they're built on real buyer insights rather than assumptions.
Questions to ponder:
- When was the last time you spoke to your best client about why they actually chose you?
- Look at your website's main headline right now. Do you have data from actual buyers that proves those are the words they care about?
- Think about your last lost deal - was it really about price/timing, or did you miss something fundamental about what that buyer truly valued?