6 Real-World Challenges Of Going Too Broad
6 real-world Challenges you'll likely face when your target market is too broad:
⏰ Resource Challenges: no time to innovate your product/service.
🤑 Pricing Challenges: too complex
📋 Customization Challenges: too many one-off requests
📢 Marketing Challenges: market to everyone = market to no one
😫 Support Challenges: increased complexity
🚧 Scalability Challenges: Impossible to build infrastructure, systems, and processes
Sound familiar?
Here are some things you can do:
Resource Challenges: Dedicate time and resources to innovation.
Pricing Challenges: Simplify pricing structures.
Customization Challenges: Clearly define customization limits to avoid excessive one-off requests
Marketing Challenges: Instead of trying to market to everyone, identify specific target segments that align with your product/service offering and focus your marketing efforts on those segments.
Support Challenges: Identify areas of increased complexity in your support processes and implement measures to streamline them.
Scalability Challenges: Develop a long-term scalability strategy to build robust infrastructure, systems, and processes.