4 major agency challenges and how to approach them [podcast]

Are most agency founders accidental business owners?

According to Drew McLellan, Founder of Agency Management Institute, they are. 

In this episode of the Vertical Go-To Market Podcast, I sit down with Drew to break down what it takes to build a thriving agency. 


We discuss:

👉 Identifying the turning point when you need external support to continue on a growth path.

👉 Four major agency challenges and how to approach them.

👉 Niching down as a subject matter expert to meet client expectations. 

👉 The ideal split of agency operating costs against Adjusted Gross Income.


Actionable Key Takeaways for Agency Founders:

👍 Agency owners should aim to build wealth while operating the business by optimizing sales, staffing, and profitability.

👍 Processes are a must-have; tribal knowledge won’t sustain success at a growing agency.

👍 Sharing and learning from peer challenges and successes calls for full transparency and vulnerability.

👍 A niche can be an industry, an audience, or even a deliverable. It isn’t always a specific type of business.

👍 Hire people who have a passion for the niche you serve to avoid the boredom pit.

👍 Adjusted Gross Income is the one metric all agency owners should be obsessed with.

🎧 Listen to the episode now: 

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