16 criteria to help choose a vertical
In Chapter 5 of my book "Anyone, Not Everyone," I provide readers with 16 criteria to help them refine and prioritize their potential target verticals.
Here they are. Feel free to try them on.
- Does our client success team like helping clients in this vertical?
- Do I like working with this vertical?
- Does this vertical fit with my vision for the company?
- Does this vertical fit with our existing expertise?
- Do we have a competitive advantage in this vertical?
- Is our agency uniquely positioned within the vertical?
- Is this vertical relatively recession-proof?
- Is the average revenue for businesses greater than $1 million?
- Is there a close-knit community?
- Is there industry jargon?
- Is the market growing or on the rise?
- Are professional requirements needed?
- Are there multiple associations and conferences?
- Do we have a personal or familial connection?
- Do we have a professional connection?
- Do we have existing recognition in the vertical?
After this step, we validate their verticals are large enough to even bother targeting. More on how to do this tomorrow!